Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Special Edition Do You Part Feed The Patriarchy Shirt

 Buy Now: Special Edition Do You Part Feed The Patriarchy Shirt

not “trust in riches.” The young man was called to employ his talents—that is, to engage in commerce—but with a higher goal than the Special Edition Do You Part Feed The Patriarchy Shirt in other words I will buy this bottom line. He, and we, are to see wealth not as an end but as a means to a greater end—discipleship. How can this passage be interpreted to say that commerce or the wealth that it produces, is somehow intrinsically evil when Jesus clearly commands it? The bigger picture came to me in seminary, on my first day in a course on moral theology. The professor began the class with a thought-provoking question: “Do you believe that the study of morality stands to make you a more moral person?” A debate ensued, pro and con. In the end I concluded that the study of moral theology stood the chance of being dangerous—to the extent that I gained a greater awareness of my moral responsibilities, my obligation to live the moral law was likewise increased. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER While invincible ignorance may get us a pass, knowledge increases obligation. So does wealth. And yet you can read a theologian arguing in a leading “conservative” journal that “the New Testament treats such [enormous] wealth not merely as a spiritual danger, and not merely as a blessing that should not be misused, but as an intrinsic evil.” You would think that theologians, Bible scholars, and clergy would know better. But this misunderstanding is all too common. A real understanding of what wealth is might clear the fog a bit, even if the challenge of how faithful believers ought to use abundant resources would remain. Isn’t wealth simply the total resources or opportunities that people have at their disposal? As these resources and opportunities increase, so does the concomitant responsibility that these opportunities be used well, morally, and responsibly… “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM REV. ROBERT SIRICO

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