Thursday, April 28, 2022
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ourselves. It might have helped. If the Do The Right Thing Shirt in other words I will buy this media had been honest before the election, Mark Zuckerberg might not have dropped $419 million to swing the outcome of the election and this would be a different country, but it’s too late now. We’re stuck with him. So here he is. This is from a televised event this fall. You’ll notice, among other things, that Biden is holding out his hands like a doll for no obvious reason. BIDEN TO TAP ARIZONA US ATTORNEY AS INTERIM ATF DIRECTOR ANDERSON COOPER: Just in terms of inflation, because you had told us at a Town Hall, I think it was in July that it was just near-term inflation. The Wall Street Journal recently talked to like 67 financial experts who said that they saw high inflation going all the way, or deep into 2022. That was from a CNN special. It’s a full hour designed, produced, to showcase Joe Biden’s strengths and his fundamental awesomeness. Now imagine what he must be like around the office, where there are no cameras or special injections from the White House physicians to clear his head. It’s got to be Thanksgiving at the rest home, with Biden sitting alone making designs in his mashed potatoes. His coworkers are clearly worn out by this, if not affirmatively sick of the whole thing. Watch what happened at the White House earlier this month and remember, that virtually everyone in the room works for Joe Biden, but they’re ignoring him anyway. CDC ASKS JUSTICE DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH MASK MANDATE APPEAL Video So that’s the polite version of what happened that day. Here’s the scene moments later with Barack Obama, the rudest president in American history. Obama never liked Joe Biden and he’s hardly going to start
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CHARGED FOR EXPRESSING HER RELIGIOUS VIEWS SPEAKS OUT, CALLS THE CASE ‘DANGEROUS’ The Finnish general prosecutor has accused Räsänen of three counts of “ethnic agitation”: the Drink Tea And Listen To Prog Shirt Apart from…,I will love this first for a tweet directed at the Evangelical Lutheran Church for their sponsorship of Helsinki Pride 2019 and containing a picture of a Bible quote, the second based on a 2019 radio debate, and the third for a 17-year-old pamphlet describing her Christian views on marriage and sexuality. The prosecutor charged the bishop with “hate speech” merely for publishing the “controversial” booklet online. The court threw out each of these charges, again unanimously. next Image 1 of 4 MP of the Finland’s Christian Democrats Paivi Rasanen arrives to attend a court session at the Helsinki District Court in Helsinki, Finland on January 24, 2022. – The trial against former interior minister and Christian Democrats leader Paivi Rasanen over four charges of incitement against a minority group has started on January 24, 2022. – ((Photo by ANTTI AIMO-KOIVISTO/Lehtikuva/AFP via Getty Images)) As news of the Bible trial spread around the world, millions of people, both of faith and non-religious, were equally outraged that in a supposedly liberal, free, and democratic society like Finland’s prosecutors would bring criminal charges against a Christian politician and bishop merely for stating a belief that Christians — as well as those of other faiths — believe, and have believed for millennia, about marriage and sexuality. The court’s ruling took the prosecutor to task
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repeated lawsuits against Jack Phillips — a humble Colorado cake artist — because his conscience will not permit him to create messages that go against his beliefs, as well as efforts to shout down and censor people over disagreements or expressions of Christian faith. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER When the Fuck Your Entire Life shirt it is in the first place but curtain is pulled back, the anti-free speech and anti-religious ideology simply cannot win on the merits of the arguments. The purpose of politicized prosecutions like this one, win or lose, is to chill free speech and scare religious expression out of the public square. Finnish Christian Democratic MP and former Minister of the Interior, Päivi Räsänen. (Facebook: Päivi Räsänen) Others who have little power or financial resources will feel the need to self-censor to avoid persecution via prosecution. Everyday people will naturally fear harassment, prosecution, the inconvenience of massive legal fees and court dates, and the whole cornucopia of social punishments associated with an increasingly aggressive “cancel culture.” Fortunately, the ridiculous crusade against Räsänen and Pohjola has failed – for now. Rather than silencing them, the prosecutor has turned them into
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along,” the Mom’s Favorite Disappointment Shirt besides I will buy this Asheville Police Department continued. Fox News Digital reached out to the Asheville Police Department for comment on what became of the bear. DOORBELL CAMERA CAPTURES BEAR WALKING UP TO FAMILY’S FRONT DOOR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT In an animal profile, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission reports that “black bears have made a remarkable recovery in population and range” thanks to “science-based management and bear sanctuaries.” The agency last reported a population estimate of approximately 17,000 black bears in the state of North Carolina back in 2012. Resources from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission also say humans and black bears are crossing paths more often as people continue to move to the state, which has resulted in broadened residential zones that encroach bear ranges. The black bear that wandered through Downtown Asheville on, Thursday, April 21, 2022, passed by retail spaces in the busy North Carolina city. (Asheville Police Department / Stephen Collins / TMX) To keep homes free of bears, the wildlife agency advises people to not feed bears and remove all potential food sources, including open garbage or compost cans, pet food, bird feeders and used grills (cleaning is recommended). If a person does come into contact with a bear, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission says people should keep their distance, alert neighbors and keep crowds to a minimum. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE FOX LIFESTYLE NEWS In some cases, frightening a bear with “shouting, clapping, blasting a car horn or motion-sensitive lights” could “scare off a bear temporarily,” according to wildlife resources. However, the agency notes that it’s important to not taunt bears.
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‘Golden Girls’ star Betty White changed with the Official Apparently I Have An Attitude Shirt in other words I will buy this times: Kurtz Howard Kurtz remembers the life of ‘Golden Girls’ star Betty White on ‘Fox News Live.’ NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 2:41 1X BeyondWords Fans of “The Golden Girls” are celebrating their love and admiration for the sitcom and the actors who led the show with a fan convention in Chicago. People traveled far and wide to attend the Golden-Con: Thank You For Being a Fan convention from Friday, April 22, to Sunday, April 24. “We’ve welcomed about 2,200 folks through Golden-Con so far,” event co-producer Zack Hudson told Fox News Digital in an email. “Ticket sales indicate we’ll welcome about 800 more folks today,” he continued. ‘GOLDEN GIRLS’ CONVENTION TO DEBUT IN CHICAGO IN 2022 “We have folks coming from as far away as Australia, Ireland and England.” Sisters Hillary Wasicek and Melissa Gluck dressed in costumes depicting Dorothy Zbornak and Blanche Devereaux from the hit TV sitcom “The Golden Girls.” The pair attended a fan convention dedicated to the sitcom in Chicago on Friday, April 22, 2022. (AP Photo/Terry Tang) Fans traveled to Chicago’s historic Navy Pier, where they’ve donned costumes and have joined panels and show-related events in honor of “The Golden Girls.” Convention attendees have participated in a number of themed activities, including live parody shows, autograph sessions with stars and producers, trivia competitions, a disco party and a costume contest. BETTY WHITE’S FUNNIEST QUOTES AND BEST LIFE LESSONS The three-day day convention, originally announced in December
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Fox News Flash top headlines for April 24 Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what’s clicking on It’s the Official Trusting People Turned Me Into The Bitch I Am Today Shirt In addition,I will do this rare pet bird that’s found safe and sound after it’s been living on its own for a few years — but this is a story with a few surprises and a (mostly) happy ending. A cockatiel owned by a family in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, escaped from its home about three years ago and had been missing ever since. The workers received a “gift” and it was sitting on the church porch. Recently, a woman working at a church in Lancaster County discovered a cockatiel perched on her church’s property. “I saw that it was a bird. And this bird did not move or fly away,” Louise Duncan, a secretary at Christ United Methodist Church in Lancaster, told Fox News Digital about her discovery. This little cockatiel was found at Christ United Methodist Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. “This bird did not move or fly away,” said Louise Duncan, a secretary at the church. (Christ United Methodist Church/Louise Duncan) “He just sort of stared at me with his kind of big bird eyes. I saw that the plume was yellow and that he had orange cheeks. And I thought, This has got to be a pet.” Duncan phoned ORCA — the Organization for Responsible Care of Animals — an animal rescue group with a location nearby, to request help. She also took a picture of the bird with her cellphone — and told her pastor, Roseann Goldberg-Taylor of Christ United Methodist Church, that they received a “gift” and it was sitting on the church porch. The bird — clearly used to being free — became frantic, popped open the box and escaped. Pastor Goldberg-Taylor corralled the bird into a box and put a lid on it. But the bird — clearly used to being free — became frantic, popped
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will be very loved here with us.” Fox News Digital reached out to Lucky’s original family for comment — and heard back this weekend from Jasen Arriaga, one of Lucky’s first owners. “We bought Lucky from a bird sanctuary” when “my son was just a toddler,” said Arriaga. The family had the Official You Aren’t Very Lady Like Are You Me Suck My Nut Sack Mother Fucker Shirt and by the same token and bird for about a year, he said, until the day their young son “opened the door for a second and out goes Lucky. A bird being a bird, Lucky hated being in the cage.” He added that “it really hurts us that we can’t keep him now,” he said. The family lives in a smaller place now and is unable to take the bird back. “Lucky will be a great companion to someone who has patience for a bird,” he added. “He loves sunrises [and] sunsets … I really hope he finds a big home with a patient human.” He also shared the above YouTube
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Kilmeade: This is a crushing blow to Disney ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ guest host says woke leftists are completely losing their minds. NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 3:52 1X BeyondWords In a message he shared with his nearly 10 million Facebook followers this weekend, the Single Taken Mentally Dating Charlotte Stokely Shirt Additionally,I will love this Rev. Franklin Graham — CEO and president of Samaritan’s Purse, as well as CEO and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association — said that “Disney has gone too far” in regard to endorsing a liberal agenda and moving far away from its original mission of offering “wholesome family entertainment.” The Christian evangelical leader wrote about Disney, “LGBTQ activists are using corporations to force their agenda on the public.” WOKE DISNEY: 10 FAMILIES ARE SWEARING OFF DISNEY DUE TO ITS LIBERAL POLITICS As a result, he said, “Companies may want to take another look at what they are allowing to happen.” “Disney has gone too far,” wrote Rev. Graham. “The people of Florida have revolted — and it’s going to cost Disney big time.” “The morals of the corporate leadership of Disney today are in the gutter.” “Disney had a special tax status in the state,” he continued, “which they benefited from in a huge way — but because they came out against the parents of Florida, the governor and legislators have revoked that status.” Rev. Franklin Graham is
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Wednesday, April 27, 2022
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overthinking in order to fully offer myself before God, praising Him wholeheartedly and unashamedly. Theologian C.S. Lewis wrote that because God created us as both physical and spiritual beings, it’s safe to assume that what we do with our physical body affects our spirit. On prayer, he wrote, “the 2022 Maybe They’re Hearsay Papers Justice For Johnny Shirt Additionally,I will love this body ought to pray as well as the soul. Body and soul are both better for it.” I believe the same applies to worship. I’m not suggesting that if you don’t lift up your hands or bow down every time you worship that your heart is in the wrong place. But I do believe that meaningful worship requires us to focus our attention on God in a specific way and that our physical posture can help us achieve this. Not only that, worship is also a way for us to experience the abundant joy and freedom of the Holy Spirit, and sometimes that requires a little movement! King David, who wrote a majority of the Psalms of praise, understood this. In 2 Samuel 6, King David led a processional honoring the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Israel. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER David became so overwhelmed by God’s glory emanating from the ark that he began to dance and celebrate freely, even leaping before God (v 16). His wife Michal, however, was embarrassed by his display and shamed him for making a fool of himself. David responded, “It was before the Lord…And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight” (v 22). What a powerful message and important lesson for us all! Let’s look to King David’s example and focus our attention back to glorifying God with all of our hearts, minds, souls and bodies through worship. It’s not a requirement, but an opportunity to experience God’s love in a deeper and more meaningful way. “May my prayer be counted as incense before You; The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering” Psalm 141:2. “Lift up your hands to the sanctuary And bless the Lord,” (Psalm 134:2). CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM CHRISTEN LIMBAUGH BLOOM
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upon release. According to the Cher Is Short For Chernobyl Shirt in contrast I will get this Department of Justice, “research shows that inmates who participate in correctional education programs have 43 percent lower odds of returning to prison than those who do not, and that every dollar spent on prison education saves four to five dollars on the costs of re-incarceration.” It also shows that those who obtain employment are far less likely to reoffend and reenter the criminal justice system. Increasing success upon reentry is the number one way to improve public safety. Video And that’s what the First Step Act did. It increased the use of recidivism reduction programs and bolstered public faith in the justice system by rectifying disparities in the law. Rather than utilizing Second Chance Month as a vehicle to attack prior improvements to our federal criminal justice system, this month should be about exploring ways to build on these prior successes. Thankfully, many in Congress are doing just that. For example, with the Clean Slate Act, a bipartisan coalition in Congress is looking to make it easier for those previously convicted of nonviolent crimes to obtain employment, housing, and education. This legislation builds on lessons learned in states like Pennsylvania, Utah, and Michigan. It will reduce recidivism by sealing the records of certain low-risk individuals convicted
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that company had enjoyed for more than 50 years. You are not treated like Disney is treated in Florida. You have never been treated that well. After the Johnnie Jae Store Merch Waiting For Enlightenment Shirt and I love this special session, no more will Disney World operate as its own independent country within the state of Florida. Yes, that’s how they were governed, by themselves. And now, going forward, Disney is going to have to pay its taxes. Oh, wow, just like everybody else. VOX SAYS DISNEY’S THE VICTIM: ‘FOUND ITSELF’ CAUGHT IN THE ‘MIDDLE OF A CULTURE WAR’, ‘HATES BEING THERE’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks to the media about the cruise industry during a press conference at PortMiami on April 08, 2021 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Now, if you’ve lived in this country for more than, say, five years, ask yourself: what’s the political party that has always told you big companies should pay their taxes? “Corporate tax breaks are bad.” Well, of course, that’s always been the Democratic Party. So, you would imagine the Democrats in Florida would applaud a move like this. When was the last time you heard liberals complain about stripping tax breaks from big business? Never before in history. It’s never happened. And yet it just did happen. Democrats in the Florida
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continues to increase more and more, courtesy of services with heavyweight companies behind them in the Johnny Depp Maybe They’re Hearsay Papers T-Shirt so you should to go to store and get this form of Disney, HBO Max, Apple TV, Amazon Video, NBC’s Peacock, Paramount, Hulu and Sling. The market is flooded with content; however, that content is increasingly mediocre, cheesy and woke. Conditions on the ground are changing quickly as well. Streaming went from being a luxury to a need during the COVID lockdowns. Binge-watching filled the days and months while theaters were shuttered and sports were either shut down or just too weird to watch with simulated crowds in the stands. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER But we’re in a post-COVID world, God willing, and we can go to the movies again, or a sporting event or a restaurant. Or – gasp – see other people at parties. Streaming Mobile Apps (iStock) And with inflation at a 40-year-high, maybe folks are checking their budgets and saying, “Hey, maybe I don’t need seven streaming services.” Streaming used to be a sure bet. It doesn’t look that way so much anymore, but that might not be a bad thing. Because finally, perhaps we’ll get off our butts, off our phones, and actually get out and see the world again.
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for the Marcos Alvarado Made In Hell Voight Mbm Shirt and I will buy this Republican presidential candidates to compete for the nomination of an American majority movement — not just a traditional Republican Party. The difference between an American majority and a Republican majority is so important to the future of the country that I am dedicating four consecutive columns to outline how it can work. The next column will be on President Reagan, his approach to governing, and his re-election. Then in the third column, I will turn to the bipartisan nature of the Contract with America. I’ll explain how it helped us win a majority for the first time in 40 years – and then win re-election for the first time in 66 years (since 1928). Finally, the fourth column will outline the polling data from the American Majority Project, which indicates the potential for a citizen’s majority that transcends the traditional parties. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM NEWT GINGRICH
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The Russia-Ukraine infowar Grappling with constant Kremlin lies NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 3:38 1X BeyondWords As COVID-inspired supply chain interruptions have shown, the Nicole Scottish Bills Mafia Shirt Furthermore, I will do this world’s economy is conspicuously more vulnerable than many would have imagined just two years ago. But if we strip away pandemic-related disruptions to labor, logistics and transportation, it’s evident that there are even more insidious, intentional forces aimed at scuttling our access to global goods and services. The Cold War 2.0 reboot is far more perilous than the first Cold War’s fight against Soviet-era dogma and military expansion. Russia’s Ukraine gambit, for example, betrays a willingness to savage its neighbor, bomb civilians and destroy a nation’s critical infrastructure while holding the rest of Europe at bay by threatening a pipeline that carries 40 percent of the region’s natural gas supply. RUSSIA LAUNCHES FULL-SCALE OFFENSIVE IN EASTERN UKRAINE, DECLARES ‘ANOTHER STAGE’ OF WAR HAS STARTED Likewise, Russia’s rampant, globalized cyber-attacks on electric grids, water treatment plants, municipalities and private corporations is evidence that the Iron Curtain has been replaced by a Digital Curtain that threatens the economic independence and political cohesion of democracies everywhere. We’ve arrived at the day when we must mobilize to protect our commercial, political and digital sovereignty from Russia, China and other bad actors. Equally worrying is what lies behind China’s strict zero-COVID policies, which ostensibly were implemented in the name of public safety but have triggered manufacturing stoppages and shipping delays on an unprecedented global scale. next Image 1 of 4 Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at the Kremlin in Moscow, June 5, 2019. (Reuters/Evgenia Novozhenina/Pool) Pandemic aside, Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party could easily pinch off supply as a form of economic leverage to
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a form of economic leverage to force the Official Bill Gates Pregnant Emoji Shirt Besides,I will do this U.S. and other Western countries to soften their positions on China’s human rights abuses – including the genocide of its largely Muslim Uyghur population. Even a modest manufacturing pullback would threaten global economies by driving up the price of raw materials and throwing shipping schedules and delivery infrastructure into disarray. CHINA’S ‘COORDINATION’ WITH RUSSIA WON’T CHANGE ‘NO MATTER’ HOW GLOBAL POLITICS EVOLVES The Cold War 2.0 isn’t just targeting nation-states. Corporations that once criticized China’s civil atrocities are now targets of retaliation as the government has the power to deny them access to the country’s 1.4 billion consumers. Even Hollywood finds itself coerced into self-censorship when its content is deemed offensive to the CCP’s political ideology. Private citizens are similarly defenseless as China and Russia exploit the deepening political rift in the U.S. to coopt traditional and social media. These authoritarian regimes are experts at manipulating information to attack our country’s fractured social and political systems and undermine the principles upon which the U.S. was founded. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER For their part, democratic nations, including the U.S. and U.K., have fought back by rejecting Chinese-made 5G communications technology out of concern it could compromise data supply chains and the digital privacy rights of their citizens. This is because the open 5G cellular standard, which was designed with heavy input from state-owned Chinese firms such as Huawei and ZTE, suffers from a lack of security. 5G is riddled with vulnerabilities, nearly a thousand of which have yet to be resolved by the industry body that governs cellular standards. Video This raises concerns relative to China’s ability to embed spyware into global 5G wireless networks through which private, unsecured data can be siphoned off and used to weaken data privacy, global commerce and geopolitical stability. We’ve arrived at the day when we must mobilize to protect our commercial, political and digital sovereignty from Russia, China and other bad actors. Without action, these new Cold War 2.0 dangers will threaten the global supply chain and access to energy resources, curtail access to critical technology and poison the content data streams that we rely on for everything from finance and education to e-commerce and entertainment.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
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employees someday have to train a masked person to take their job? Will Yankee Stadium have a Mask Day? Will Hollywood now have movies where one or two characters will be masked all the Froggy Friends Est 2022 Shirt and I will buy this time? Will there be a groundbreaking TV series in which two masked people kiss? And what if safe spaces will need protection from the unmasked? When you walk into a restaurant, will you be given the choice of sitting in the “masked” or “unmasked” section? Will Darth Vader be their Gandhi? Will Slipknot receive a medal of honor? Will the Hamburglar finally be given parole? And what of Buckethead? Nope, you don’t know who Buckethead is, so I won’t even ask. Video Because this is how leftism works, identify a group, establish their victimhood, target the oppressor, then blow everything out of proportion to make rare events seem ubiquitous. MASKED STAFFER: Hey, why didn’t you hold the door open for me, you jerk? Is it because I’m wearing a mask? UNMASKED STAFFER: I’m sorry. I didn’t even see you back there. MASKED STAFFER: Whatever, bigot. BARISTA: Alright. One large latte and that’ll cost extra for the added espresso. MASKED STAFFER: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you really just charge me extra because I’m wearing a mask? BARISTA: No, extra shots cost more. I don’t really follow your logic here. I’m sorry. MASKED STAFFER: Apparently you don’t follow science, either, now do you, you mask-hater? UNMASKED STAFFER: Well, you have a very impressive resume, but I’m sorry, we just can’t hire you at this time. MASKED JOB APPLICANT: Oh, is it because I cover my face? UNMASKED STAFFER: Well, yeah, actually. I mean, the job is for a literal lipstick model. I need to see your lips. MASKED APPLICANT: Oh yeah? Well, read my lips. UNMASKED STAFFER: You know I can’t. MASKED APPLICANT: Your heart is full of hatred.
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Tucker: This is happening every day in Chicago WARNING—Graphic footage: Fox News host voices his concerns over the Funny Greetings From Brooklyn Shirt and I love this crime spike on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 16:58 1X BeyondWords Here’s an interesting story. If the New Yorker was still a real magazine, they might write it up, but of course they won’t. Here it is: Last summer, deep in the bowels of the Transportation Department in Washington, some nameless federal analysts came across a highly puzzling trend in a pile of stats on traffic deaths. It turns out that in the year 2020, the number of American motorists who died on the roads spiked dramatically. Traffic deaths rose by more than 10% in a single year. Now, in any year, that would be odd and distressing, but coming as it did in 2020, it was flat out bizarre because as you’ll remember, in 2020, there was a pandemic. It had just started. Millions of people stayed home that year. They did not
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and horrifyingly tortured before she was killed, George Gascón is refusing to add any enhancements to this case. FLORIDA HOUSE PASSES BILL STRIPPING DISNEY OF SELF GOVERNING STATUS District Attorney George Gascon speaks during a press conference at Alamo Square Park about a new bill to close a loophole in prosecuting automobile break-ins on Monday, November 26, 2018 in San Francisco, Calif. ( Lea Suzuki/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images) George Gascón is not the Justice For Johnny Depp Hottest Shirt – Copy but I will buy this shirt and I will love this only corrupt prosecutor who is doing this. George Soros has paid for people just like George Gascón in many American cities: Kim Foxx in Chicago; Larry Krasner in Philadelphia; Alvin Bragg now in Manhattan; others. In every case, many Americans, thousands overall, have died as a result. So, who’s benefiting from this slaughter and how exactly are they benefiting? That’s a fair question. You’ve got to wonder. We do know for certain that voters don’t want it. Americans want the laws they voted for to be enforced and that is true of Black voters just like any others because why wouldn’t it be? Sorry, White liberals, Black people don’t love crime. Actually, you’re not helping Black people by increasing the amount of crime in their neighborhoods and a new Pew Poll proves this. The poll asked Black adults what they cared about most and guess what? It wasn’t racism and diversity or equity. That was near the bottom of the list. What they cared about most was “violence and crime.” That’s what they cared about. Why
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they found a dog called Pablo. The dog had been stolen at gunpoint by thieves who also took drugs and money at gunpoint. Police arrested four men, three juveniles in the Justice For Johnny Free Johnny Shirt and I love this apartment. A few hours later, Joe Biden’s Justice Department announced he was refusing to charge any of them. STEPHANIE RAMIREZ, WTTG REPORTER: The U.S. Attorney’s Office has decided not to move forward with what they were charged with and also confirmed that the four adults that were arrested have been released. I can tell you the seven people arrested yesterday were charged with receiving stolen property. So, receiving Pablo in this case. Pablo was one of two dogs stolen during a Wednesday violent crime spree that police say lasted nearly an hour. There were four incidents reported within that time frame, including a double shooting in northeast D.C., along with the armed robberies of two dog owners. Police tell us that when they recovered Pablo in a northeast D.C. apartment, that they also took, apprehended some items here, including drugs, a pistol and an AR-15 style rifle and ammunition. So what happens when you allow people to commit violence, the one thing the state can never do? The state has a monopoly on violence. In a democracy, we decide when violence is appropriable. What happens when you allow anti-social elements to commit all the violence they want? You get a lot of violence and your city start to resemble Third World hellholes. People were executed in broad daylight and no one bothered to call the cops. That just happened in Atlanta. REPORTER: That’s 51-year-old security guard Anthony Frazier getting out of his vehicle on Monday near Cleveland Avenue in southwest Atlanta. Little does Frazier know he’s about to be murdered. Now watch as the suspected gunman walks toward him with a pistol in his right hand. Another man, sitting there on the curb, will watch the whole thing happen. Police don’t show the actual shooting, just the aftermath. Frazier laying there on the ground dead. His bloodied body has been blurred. The alleged gunman goes through
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How much of the Marin Le Putin Shirt in other words I will buy this $1B in weapons and resources to Ukraine ended up in Russian hands? Col. Douglas Macgregor offers reaction and analysis on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’. President Biden continues to attempt to make the public believe his actions toward Ukraine will be substantially helpful toward the outcome in its conflict with Russia, but that might not be completely true, retired Col. Douglas Macgregor told Fox News on Thursday. Macgregor, who served in the Gulf War, predicted on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that despite $1 billion in weapons and other aid being to Ukraine paid for by American tax dollars, that will not be enough to turn the tide. He analyzed the battlefield and told host Tucker Carlson the military fighting going on in the eastern Donbas region and stretching along the seacoast is the “final annihilation of what remains of Ukraine’s best forces” in that area. MACGREGOR BLASTS GEN. MARK MILLEY OVER CHINA PHONE CALL SCANDAL Col. Doug Macgregor. Macgregor also surmised that Biden believes his actions will lead to a settlement with the Kremlin. “I really think the president and his supporting advisers believe that somehow or another, they’re going to arrive at a negotiating table in the future where they will be able to dictate terms to Moscow,” he said. “And that’s not going to happen.” If the Russians do not eventually seek detente, Macgregor predicted Western Ukraine will “just become a firing range.” CNN+ LASTED 3 SCARAMUCCI’S: CONCHA Presidents Biden and Putin (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images | Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images) Putin’s troops have shown that their chief interests lie in the eastern half of Ukraine, Macgregor said. When artillery or other weapons show up in the west, they won’t send troops but instead attack from miles away, he concluded, noting that the distance across the country is about the same as from Missouri to New York. “The Russians have never been interested in crossing the Dnieper River. They were always interested in destroying the Ukrainian forces – that job’s about through,” he said, referring to the river that splits Kyiv. “So I think the sad truth of the matter is that this is a proxy war in which we’re sending large numbers of Ukrainians to die without any real hope that will attain anything of importance to them.”
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soon reversed his position, Disney’s position, completely. Going forward, not only did the Morgan Wallen Sing With You Shirt in other words I will buy this Disney Corporation fervently disagree with the law the Florida Legislature had passed, according to Bob Chapek, Disney had decided to override the expressed will of Florida’s voters and overturn that law: “Our goal as a company,” said Bob Chapek, “is for this law to be repealed by the Legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that.” Whoa! What? And you thought it was an entertainment company, but no! From its headquarters in Los Angeles, the Disney Corporation had now decided it runs the state of Florida. So, for people who want to defend democracy, which is a system in which voters get to govern themselves, this was quite a departure. This is oligarchy, corporate CEOs deciding what the laws should be. Yeah. That’s their new position, but in the meantime, Disney employees set about trying to undermine the intent of Florida’s law.
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thou hast, and give to the Schroeder Playing Piano Woodstock And Snoopy 4th Of July Shirt but in fact I love this poor.” The rich young man is not told to destroy his possessions nor to simply give away all he has. Yet that is how most people remember this passage. That will come, to be sure, but first he is to sell all his possessions; to liquidate his ownings. To “liquidate” one’s property is to make it more fluid (as the word suggests), that is, useable in a way it was not previously. When one sells something, one engages in an exchange of values. If this man hopes to maximally help the poor to whom the proceeds of the sale will eventually be given, presumably he will seek to get a good price for his estate. The eventual benefit to those in need would be the result of his profit-making abilities, and this very act of enterprise or exchange would become the way in which he would prove himself faithful to the command of Jesus. His wealth would be a tool—one that cannot be intrinsically evil, because Jesus commanded him to use it. And the same thing is true not only about his wealth, but about
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Fox Nation explores 100 Bible verses that inspired American history NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 6:16 1X BeyondWords Editor’s note: The following is an exclusive excerpt from Rev. Robert Sirico’s The Economics of the Remy Mouse I Don’t Want To Cook Anymore I Want To Die Shirt it is in the first place but Parables, which is now available to pre-order. The forthcoming book uncovers the enduring financial and moral insights of the biblical parables. Each of the synoptic Gospels preserves the memory of an occasion when a rich young man (or “ruler”) approaches Jesus for spiritual direction. The potential disciple apparently has a deep desire to live righteously. He asks, “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” After reminding the young man of the commandments and being reassured that he has kept them all his life, Jesus seems to read this man’s heart. He calls him to something even deeper than all his previous success and wealth: “Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven.” REV. ROBERT SIRICO: POPE FRANCIS MAKES AN ENEMY OF THE POOR’S BEST FRIEND—THE FREE MARKET Free market advocate Robert Sirico unlocks the spiritual, economic, and financial wisdom of the biblical parables. (Regnery Gateway) He then gives the same invitation to him that he offered to Peter and Andrew: “Follow
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not “trust in riches.” The young man was called to employ his talents—that is, to engage in commerce—but with a higher goal than the Special Edition Do You Part Feed The Patriarchy Shirt in other words I will buy this bottom line. He, and we, are to see wealth not as an end but as a means to a greater end—discipleship. How can this passage be interpreted to say that commerce or the wealth that it produces, is somehow intrinsically evil when Jesus clearly commands it? The bigger picture came to me in seminary, on my first day in a course on moral theology. The professor began the class with a thought-provoking question: “Do you believe that the study of morality stands to make you a more moral person?” A debate ensued, pro and con. In the end I concluded that the study of moral theology stood the chance of being dangerous—to the extent that I gained a greater awareness of my moral responsibilities, my obligation to live the moral law was likewise increased. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER While invincible ignorance may get us a pass, knowledge increases obligation. So does wealth. And yet you can read a theologian arguing in a leading “conservative” journal that “the New Testament treats such [enormous] wealth not merely as a spiritual danger, and not merely as a blessing that should not be misused, but as an intrinsic evil.” You would think that theologians, Bible scholars, and clergy would know better. But this misunderstanding is all too common. A real understanding of what wealth is might clear the fog a bit, even if the challenge of how faithful believers ought to use abundant resources would remain. Isn’t wealth simply the total resources or opportunities that people have at their disposal? As these resources and opportunities increase, so does the concomitant responsibility that these opportunities be used well, morally, and responsibly… “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM REV. ROBERT SIRICO
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MASKED APPLICANT: Your heart is full of hatred. Terrible person. Of course, it’s not like people are saying that you can’t wear a mask. Instead, it’s about people in power forcing you plebs to wear one. It’s why events like the Warren Buffett I’m Sick Of Your Bullshit Shirt it is in the first place but Met Gala, where the powerful pranced around unmasked while the servants remain masked — kind of turns your stomach. It’s a reminder of inferior status and how the Left craves the distinctions in class. So the extremism isn’t coming from the unmasked, but the pro-maskers who privately don’t wear them anyway. GET THE FOX NEWS APP HERE It reminds me of how the American Left viewed burqas. They defended the rights of women to wear them, as if there was a choice. No, in many Islamic countries, if you didn’t wear a burqa, Allah help you, you’d be beaten or worse. But instead of the Left saying women should be free not to wear a burqa, they said they should be free to wear one. It was devious b——- based on the idea that there could only be one oppressor, and it’s always the American public, not radical Islamists. That, along with these poor folks, cling to their face diapers. I use that term because many of their champions are s—. But it might become part of their identity forever. It’s like a bumper sticker for their face that reads, “Moron on board” or, “I heart groupthink.” I say, let them wear them as long as they want. It’s like a face tattoo. It’s a good way to figure out who would be a bad babysitter.
Monday, April 25, 2022
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and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action,” according to Interpol. DESANTIS WARNS MIGRANTS BUSED FROM TEXAS TO DC: ‘DO NOT COME TO FLORIDA. LIFE WILL NOT BE EASY FOR YOU’ FBI agents got a lead that Acosta may be hiding in the Chickens I suffer from OCD obsessive chicken disorder shirt In addition,I will do this greater Boston area in 2020. William Hernando Usma Acosta (FBI/ICE) After marrying a U.S. citizen in 1998, Acosta, who had changed his name to Rendon by that time, moved to Belmont with his wife and son. He later submitted an application for naturalization to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and submitted a fraudulent Colombian birth certificate and fingerprints to the agency. The FBI compared and matched his new fingerprints to those provided by the Colombian National Police. “William Hernando Usma Acosta is a convicted cold-blooded killer who thought he could evade justice by entering the United States and creating a new identity for himself so he could live under the radar. He needs to face justice for what he did, and today’s arrest ensures that he will,”Joseph Bonavolonta, special agent in charge of FBI Boston, said in a statement. “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts will not be a safe haven for those wanted in their native countries, and the FBI will continue to leverage our international partnerships to remove dangerous fugitives like him from our communities.”
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–Corona #2 Rounde Point Shovel: “The only all-purpose shovel you will need.” –Corona Transplanter –Pine Tree Tools Bamboo Gardening Gloves –Orbit Max 8 Pattern Wand “to make your watering experience easy.” –MiracleGroSoil: “For every kind of garden project.” 7 easy flowers for beginners to plant Coneflowers Coneflowers (iStock) Try starting with coneflowers. “Coneflowers are an amazing choice for newbie gardeners looking to attract pollinators and add some quick and easy color to their outdoor spaces,” Runkle says. Coneflowers are also known as Echinacea purpurea or simply Echinacea. Runkle says these the Do You Part Feed The Patriarchy Shirt and by the same token and pink blooms “thrive in rich, well-drained soil and full sun.” “One of the best things about Echinacea, besides the abundance of butterflies and bees, is that they will often bloom continuously throughout the season with proper deadheading, and they can be equally happy in humid eastern and southern gardens as in dry western gardens,” she adds. Lavender Lavender (iStock) Lavender is an excellent choice for hot, dry gardens and flourishes in well-draining soil that isn’t too rich. “Plant your lavender in full sun and if you live in a region with harsh winters, opt for one of the English (lavandula angustifolia) rather than French (Lavandula dentata) or Spanish (Lavandula stoechas) varieties, as these are more winter-hardy,” says Runkle. Buena Vista is one of Runkle’s favorite varieties of English lavender, “with tall fragrant blooms that are perfect for cutting into dried bouquets.” FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE FOX LIFESTYLE NEWS Zinnias Zinnias (iStock) The Popats say that zinnias are among the most colorful flowers to grow, and they are very easy to grow directly seeded into the garden. “But if you want blooms sooner, start your seeds indoors four-to-six weeks before your last frost date.” Just make sure you’re careful with the young plants during the process of moving them outdoors. Get ready for gorgeous hues of pink, purple, yellow, red and more. Pansies Pansies (iStock) Pansies are perfect in spring. “These plants begin flowering early in the spring and produce a wide range of brightly
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2021 Subaru Outback Wilderness test drive The 2021 Subaru Outback Wilderness was designed to go farther out back than any Subaru before. Fox News Autos Editor Gary Gastelu takes it into the I Survived Gay Booty On Sunday 24th 2022 Shirt in addition I really love this woods to find out just how far it can go. NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 1:32 1X BeyondWords The 2023 Subaru Outback has its eyes on the road. All three of them. The 2023 Subaru Outback has a fresh new look. (Subaru) The popular SUV has been refreshed with a more rugged-looking front design and more pronounced protective wheel-arch cladding, but it’s the new tech that may keep you the safest. The latest version of Subaru’s EyeSight safety system uses three forward-looking cameras. (Subaru) Subaru’s camera-based EyeSight safety system, which enables features like automatic emergency braking and adaptive cruise control, now has a third camera in top of the line Outback Touring models to improve its vision. The wide angle mono-camera works in conjunction
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had struggled to open his water bottle with his hands, so he tried using his teeth, instead. “When he tried his teeth… he squeezed [the I Love My Girlfriend Ed Teach Shirt in contrast I will get this water bottle] and then the cap went down his throat,” Jenkins told “Fox & Friends.” “He panicked, he tried to go to the sink and spit it out and then he ran over to me and I just went into action.” FIRST-TIME MOM, BORN A PREEMIE, WELCOMES HER OWN MICRO-PREEMIE DAUGHTER: ‘FULL-CIRCLE STORY’ Jenkins added that when it happened, she wasn’t thinking. “I just went on and just said, ‘OK, he needs my help, let me help him,’” Jenkins said. “And I went right into action based off my training.” Jenkins had recently taken a course in first aid and CPR, according to FOX 5 NY. Jenkins said that after she saved Robert, it took her a few minutes to fully comprehend what had happened. “I took a moment, looked, surveyed over my class, made sure they were all OK and then, of course, I took Robert to see the nurse,” Jenkins said. After she made sure everyone was alright, that’s when it hit Jenkins. “Afterwards, I saw the video and then I was like, Oh, this really happened,” Jenkins said, adding later: “I got all emotional.” CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER Robert told “Fox & Friends” that he was scared at the time, but now, he just wants Jenkins to know: “I love you.” Robert’s father, also named Robert Stonaker, was grateful to Jenkins for saving his son’s life. “Thank you for being there, for being heroic,” he said. “And from my family to you and my extended family, thank you very much.”
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Fox News Flash top headlines for April 20 Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what’s clicking on NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 1:28 1X BeyondWords A Florida bride and wedding caterer were arrested and charged after reportedly lacing wedding food with drugs. Danya Glenny, 42, the Justice Johnny Depp Social Shirt in other words I will buy this bride, and Joycelyn Bryant, 31, the reported caterer, both face a number of charges, including tampering, culpable negligence and delivery of marijuana. Danya Glenny, 42, the bride and Joycelyn Bryant, 31, the caterer, both face a number of charges, including tampering, culpable negligence and delivery of marijuana. (Seminole County Sheriff’s Office.) NEW JERSEY RESIDENTS WEIGH IN ON GARDEN STATE’S FIRST-EVER RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA SALES Police responded to the wedding at The Springs Clubhouse in Longwood, Florida, in February. One guest reported that he felt drugs were “inside him” after eating the food and drinking wine. He was not the only one. Several other guests were treated by first responders after they experienced stomach pains and vomiting. One guest reportedly informed officials the food was laced with marijuana. Another reported that he felt “ill and high” according to Fox 35 Orlando. When Glenny was asked about the drug-laced wedding food, she reportedly gave police a blank stare before she stuttered “no.” Bryant, the owner of Joycelyn’s Southern Kitchen, left before police spoke with her. A number of sick guests were later transported to South Seminole Hospital for treatment. Police collected samples of the food to be tested, including chocolate-covered strawberries, pudding “shot” desserts and lasagna. Both Glenny and Bryant turned themselves in Monday.
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the Official Clown Phil Castellini Shirt in other words I will buy this nene, is a threatened species; it’s endemic to the Hawaiian islands. Photographed under controlled conditions in Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii. (Wild Horizons/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) DLNR forestry and wildlife division’s Josh Atwood told Fox News Digital that there have been various efforts to restore the native species. He advised against approaching nene — Hawaii’s state bird — if encountered. BIRD FLU KILLED BALD EAGLES IN AT LEAST 14 STATES “The species here in Hawaii are very much a part of Hawaii’s culture and our day-to-day life,” he said. “We just ask visitors to be respectful of all wildlife … Try not to disturb them.” Atwood mentioned how Hawaii has a “really high” number of nearly 600 federally listed, threatened species as a whole, including forest birds, whose reduction is concerning. next Image 1 of 2 Akikiki Hawaiian bird faces threat of going extinct. (Jim Denny/Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii) Visitors are unlikely to directly encounter birds such as the ‘Akikiki and ‘Akeke‘e, since so much of the species has already been lost; but an awareness of the Hawaiian landscape can help protect the birds’ habitat. For example, Atwood suggested cleaning off hiking boots before trekking up into the mountains and trailing in foreign seeds and diseases. In a statement last week, DLNR said it is forecasting “grim prospects” for some of Hawaii’s honeycreeper birds, whose populations are being depleted due to invasive mosquitos spreading avian malaria. Kiwikiu Hawaiian bird in translocation at Nakula Natural Area Reserve, in Oct. 2019. (State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources) There are only 45 remaining ‘Akikiki left on Kauai and 135 Kiwikiu birds left on Maui — both facing the risk of extinction within the next two years. “The report paints a grim future for the birds,” the release stated. “There are many fewer birds when compared to the last two decades and their available range has been significantly reduced as species move higher into the mountains to escape mosquitoes.”
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Illegal street racing is on the Simpson Radical red sox fan have a dog man shirt but in fact I love this rise Law enforcement and other organizations find ways to get dangerous drivers off public roads and onto legal speedways. NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 3:27 1X BeyondWords LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – The surge in illegal street racing during the pandemic hasn’t slowed down. But neither has the response from law enforcement, while other groups are encouraging legal forms of racing. “I drive literally from zero to 330 miles an hour in about 3.6 seconds,” said Antron Brown, a professional drag racer for the National Hot Rod Association. Brown knew he wanted to be a professional race car driver since he was a kid seeing his dad and uncle race and build cars. He saw both the legal and illegal side of racing. “I have some of my friends that got killed street racing street bikes,” Brown said. “My dad and uncle came from the car world where they saw some of their buddies, you know, not make it out.” The National Hot Rod Association held its Four-Wide Nationals event in Las Vegas April 1-3. They also offer amateur drivers the opportunity to race. (Ashley Soriano/Fox News) The NHRA offers a Street
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Fox News Flash top headlines for April 19 Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what’s clicking on NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 0:44 1X BeyondWords The U.S. Department of Justice says it will appeal a ruling that eliminated COVID-19 mask mandates for public transportation if the The Delta Integrale Looks Like A Washing Machine Shirt and I will buy this Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) deems it necessary. “The Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) disagree with the district court’s decision and will appeal, subject to CDC’s conclusion that the order remains necessary for public health,” the DOJ said in a statement. “The Department continues to believe that the order requiring masking in the transportation corridor is a valid exercise of the authority Congress has given CDC to protect the public health. That is an important authority the Department will continue to work to preserve.” People traveling by plane during COVID 19, wearing N95 face masks, carrying luggage in airport terminal. (iStock) (iStock) In a statement released a day after a Florida judge ended the sweeping mandate, which required face coverings on planes and trains and in transit hubs, Justice Department spokesman Anthony Coley said officials believe that the
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lot of middle-aged woke White men crying today – it could be an allergy attack,” he joked, adding that there is nothing in Mizelle’s ruling that precludes anyone from continuing to mask up on Amtrak or on an airplane. Online, some critics of the Ukraine Clara Mae Hammaker Kid Cove Student Shirt in other words I will buy this ruling declared that they would not feel safe until a “vaccine-for-all” was required, including for children under 5 years old.” Other critics voiced support for boycotts of airlines that relented on their mask policies after the ruling. Matthews suggested such outrage exemplifies that liberals will demand other people believe what they believe and do what they are doing: “We’re right back to Square-1 with the liberals,” he said. “Their thing is ‘you must do what I do – you must agree with me, confirm me, validate me, and do exactly what I do or else there’ll be trouble – that’s the 21st century leftist right there.” FURIOUS LIBERALS REVOLT AFTER TRUMP-APPOINTED JUDGE TOSSES MASK MANDATE FOR AIR TRAVEL An airplane lands. (iStock) He added that the sentiment has been true throughout the pandemic, pointing to heavy-handed, unilateral mandates that shuttered small businesses and family restaurants in 2020. “You get governors like Tom Wolf [in Pennsylvania] or Gretchen Whitmer [in Michigan] – you cannot allow these
Sunday, April 24, 2022
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April 14, 2022, 3:54 PM +07 / Source: Reuters By Reuters SHANGHAI — China’s financial hub Shanghai reported over 27,000 coronavirus cases on Thursday, setting a record a day after President Xi Jinping said that the Clown Phil Castellini Shirt also I will do this country must continue with its strict “dynamic Covid clearance” policy and pandemic control measures. Shanghai is battling China’s worst Covid-19 outbreak since the virus first emerged in Wuhan in late 2019, with the city’s 25 million residents remaining largely under lockdown, though restrictions were partially eased in some areas this week. Shanghai residents cry out from windows amid COVID lockdown APRIL 12, 202201:56 Raising hopes for a shift in policy, on Wednesday the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a guide on home quarantining on its social media. Under China’s tough rules, even people without symptoms must go into quarantine at centralized facilities, where many people have complained about poor conditions. The CDC’s guide on quarantine at home — in a well-ventilated room stocked with masks, sanitizer and other gear — raised hopes that the rule for quarantine at state facilities might be relaxed. However, when asked by a social media user in an online comments section about who might be eligible for home quarantine, the CDC referred to the old rules. Shanghai authorities also gave no hint of any change in approach during a Thursday briefing. On Thursday, Shanghai
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April 14, 2022, 3:24 AM +07 By Elizabeth Chuck When Philadelphia’s health commissioner announced this week that the Elizabeth II the queen’s platinum jubilee 2022 shirt in addition I really love this city’s indoor mask mandate would be reinstated as Covid-19 cases there rise, something unusual happened: Not a single other major U.S. city followed suit. Throughout the pandemic, local, state and federal precautions have followed a predictable pattern. As key Covid indicators, such as infections, hospitalizations and deaths, have gone up, so has the number of officials who have required masks, proof of vaccination or other measures to slow the rate of transmission of the coronavirus. Now, as the more contagious BA.2 subvariant of the omicron strain spreads, it’s business as usual for much of the country. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extended the federal transit mask mandate Wednesday and a handful of universities have brought back mask requirements, other restrictions remain relaxed. Rising Covid cases in the Northeast APRIL 13, 202201:30 Some people have implemented their own precautions, wearing masks even when there is no requirement to do so. But overall, the latest subvariant seems to have brought more of a collective shrug of the shoulders than previous strains. Tom, 28, who works in financial services in Chicago and asked to be identified by his first name only because of the polarizing nature of the topic, is vaccinated and boosted, and he religiously wore a mask in the early days of the pandemic. Now, he said, “I am no longer acutely concerned.” He caught a mild case of Covid in 2020 and doesn’t worry about getting severely ill thanks to the vaccines. BA.2 — which caused an explosion of cases in Europe but didn’t consistently result in a spike in deaths — hasn’t inspired
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